workspace extends ../model.dsl { name "Retail Labs - Retail Connect Backend System" description "Retail Connect Backend System." model { !ref retailconnectBESystem { retailconnectAPI = container "Retail Connect API" athena = container "Athena" "Data Warehouse" "AWS" { tags "Athena" } tags "Retail Connect Group" } } views { systemcontext retailconnectBESystem "SystemContext" { include * /* animation { internetBankingSystem customer mainframe email } */ autoLayout description "The system context diagram for Retail Connect Backend System." properties { structurizr.groups false } } container retailconnectBESystem "Containers" { include * /* animation { customer mainframe email webApplication singlePageApplication mobileApp apiApplication database } */ autoLayout description "The container diagram for the Retail Connect Backend System." } component retailconnectAPI "Components" { include * /* animation { singlePageApplication mobileApp database email mainframe signinController securityComponent accountsSummaryController mainframeBankingSystemFacade resetPasswordController emailComponent } */ autoLayout description "The component diagram for the Retail Connect API." } styles { element "Person" { background #555555 color #ffffff shape Person } element "Web Browser" { shape WebBrowser } element "Mobile App" { shape MobileDeviceLandscape } element "Database" { shape Cylinder } element "Retail Connect Group" { background #01CDCA color #ffffff shape RoundedBox } } } }